This is more of a passion project and a fan show than it is anything else. Not trying to make it more than it is - it's a quick place to hear the scores. Some people like morning news updates or quick daily bullets to catch them up. That's what this is trying to be. I've fallen in love with college hockey and this is just another way to take what I've been pretty good at in my professional career and put a little hockey spin on it.
There's good podcasts out there that get into the dynamics of the game, the prospects, the traditions, the rivalries, this is just one for the scores for the highest level of men's and women's college hockey.
Shows will be released on game days. Days with fewer games, there might be a bit more than just the score in there.
I'm not affiliated with any college hockey media outlet - outside of being the hired gun on the mic at St. Cloud State. In doing the prep work on the schedule building to plan this show, USCHO's staff was helpful, so they get a link back to their schedule. And yes, I use any and all resources for data compilation. If you're a college hockey fan, you know where to go already.